King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) organized it's groundbreaking International Advisory Board (IAB) in March 2007. The IAB is a very prestigious panel, of senior academic and corporate leaders, which is certainly one of the first and foremost groups of its kind in the region. The IAB is part of KFUPM's long tradition of bringing a truly international perspective to higher education and research in Saudi Arabia.

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The 32nd meeting of IAB at KFUPM.
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The 31st meeting of IAB at KFUPM.
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The 30th meeting of IAB at KFUPM.
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News & Events

32nd IAB Meeting

The 32nd IAB meeting will be held on the 8th and 9th May of 2024.



31st IAB Meeting

The 31st IAB meeting was held on November of 2023.



29th IAB Meeting

The 29th IAB meeting was held on December of 2022



Secretary General's Message

The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) ranks among the top academic institutions worldwide in the critical fields of science, engineering, and technology, and is a leading source of technical expertise, new research, and talent development for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KFUPM has led recent strategic and transformative efforts to strengthen its diversity agenda, introduce new academic programs that respond to digital transformation technologies and meet industry needs. These include establishing 15 new interdisciplinary research centers to tackle some of the world's most significant challenges. In its quest for excellence and with the aim of continuously improving its academic and research activities, KFUPM has always been on the lookout for unique and inventive methods to achieve its goals and objectives. One such groundbreaking event is the establishment of an International Advisory Board (IAB) in March 2007.

The IAB is composed of members, who are internationally known as academic and corporate leaders. It advises KFUPM on strategic planning, future directions, and policy development. It also supports KFUPM in developing a competitive edge to improve its international standing, and to sustain the KFUPM traditions of teaching and research programs. The establishment of the International Advisory Board at KFUPM with the level and expertise of its members is considered as a pioneering initiative and a model that other institutions in the area can follow. After more than fifteen years of the establishment of the Board, it can be stated that this rich experience has achieved what was intended. KFUPM is keen to make the most of the views and recommendations of the Board and has implemented many of them. One indication of the success of this initiative, other universities embrace this idea and the establishment of advisory boards of their own along the lines of the university it took.

Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat
Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat

Secretary-General of International Advisory Board